Our recent collection for new soccer balls was a great success. We sent 6 soccer balls with air pumps over with our Mission Team in December 2010.
Our latest missions project: MOSQUITO NETS!
When Rene Mbongo was here last summer and again in the fall he told the kids just how important mosquito nets can be to the health of people in the African villages. According to United Nations statistics, malaria is particularly devastating in Africa, where it is a leading killer of children. In fact, there are 10 new cases of malaria every second. Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies from a malaria infection.
A simple mosquito net can prevent much illness and even death from malaria. Providing nets is a project dear Rene's heart. The church as a whole had a special collection on December 12 for Serve Spokane and for mosquito nets for Senegal. This will be a real great start to Rene's need for nets.
Our kids in Surge want to jump in and help out too, and so we will continue to collect offerings for nets for the next several months.
Net Tally:
We collected enough money for
40 nets!
This will be added to the huge amount of nets that our church paid for with a special Mission Sunday offering. With the kids' and adults' net contributions, Rene Mbongo's request for nets for the villages and the orphanage and hospital is close to being met! Hallelujah!